Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Twas sucha

gala time I've decided to put on electronic paper.
It was the finale of Bigg Boss Bangla and the launch of Bigg Boss Hindi happening simultaneously.
What were the reasons for me being sad and decrepit. 
1. I had missed Papon playing live along with Kartik Das Baul and Anushree.
2. I had vowed not to smoke up on the studio roof.
3. The season was about to end.
4. My father was not well.

What were the tings I was happy about.
A lot of things.
I was happy about the prospect of getting to sleep for about two days at a stretch, finally. 
The editing corridor made me happy. I am calling it a corridor because it was. The air conditioners were not working because of some strange reason, the wide corridor had rooms on both the sides, the sound of the various different edits going on on the right and left hand sides of that corridor created a very sweet mayhem that was irritating for the editors, because the rooms could not be shut for want of fresh air, but for a very strange reason everyone was pretty excited. I was gliding through the corridor, sleep deprived and sad; until the rushes from the first day of shoot got in. 

I realized, I had not really missed Papon at all. I got to hear the rushes while trying to catch ten minutes of shut eye in a yellow room. The guy editing the opening sequence of Durga Dance inside that room was a good friend of mine who had attempted to flirt with me and had made me fall in love with him, because he had made a pass at me on a rainy Sunday morning, that had, somehow blown my mind.