I will be all of 27 years old. This fact is driving me a little crazy,
primarily because :-
I am not working.
I am dedicating this post to whining about how this makes me feel.
Sometimes it makes me feel good, because I remember all the things I have heard about how your twenties flash past you when you are too busy working your ass off, and one fine day you realize that ...ooops, you are thirty years old and all of your fun twenties years have gone by without you getting to even bat an eyelid.
Now, about that, I quite agree with.
I was doing a little bit of maths the other day and I realized that I have been working for fours years more or less; that made me feel a bit better about NOT working now, I said to myself -
Hey! its okay to take a break, since I have been through some dangerously traumatic times during the last year; it is actually okay if I take some time off and ....relax, essentially.
Sometimes I get a little bored but then, I am really the kind of person who can literally spend days at an end reading and watching random videos on youtube (sometimes I even make videos for youtube) and yes, I have been trying to write things as well.
So I keep reassuring myself that I am just bracing myself for the long battle ahead of me. am I making good use of my free time???
Absolutely, because I spend so much time sleeping !!!!!!!!