a happy thought. How wonderful is it to have things to look forward to. A hot glass of coffee in the morning. Or the notion of an early pack up. Or the idea of the perfect boyfriend. Quoting Bridget Jones, "it is marvelous having a boyfriend."
I don't have one. Neither do I see myself all cushioned up with one, snuggling under a cozy blanket (quilt, preferably) watching "Roman Holiday" on a lazy winter Sunday afternoon or whatever.But the idea in itself is so bleeding rosy and pink and fantastic that it becomes a happy thought on autopilot.
Hence, I shall keep chasing after happy thoughts. Its called unnecessary optimism.
I don't have one. Neither do I see myself all cushioned up with one, snuggling under a cozy blanket (quilt, preferably) watching "Roman Holiday" on a lazy winter Sunday afternoon or whatever.But the idea in itself is so bleeding rosy and pink and fantastic that it becomes a happy thought on autopilot.
Hence, I shall keep chasing after happy thoughts. Its called unnecessary optimism.