has made an effort to teach me; meaning, has gone out of his way to teach me.
1. Maths.
2. The essence of saving money.
3. Why Sourav Ganguly makes a mighty good cricketer.
4. Bank work.
Things that I have learned from the above list -:
1. How to calculate whether I will pass the maths exam before submitting my paper.
2. Nothing.
3. He made and nurtured a team that won the World Cup (one day) after many long years, for the second time.
4. Not much, I am still trying to learn.
Things that I have learned from my Father.
1. Stay calm and composed and brave it out.
2. Work hard.
3. Maintain a low profile in a room full of people.
4. Be strong and sturdy.
5. Be witty.
6. Crack jokes at my own expense and still be funny.
7. Respect people for what they are and who they are.
8. Beware of the "so-called" kleptomaniacs.
9. Read books in order to obtain entertainment.
10. Never be shy when it comes to being proud.
11. Love everything around.
12. Click photographs if something looks beautiful.
13. Never consider travelling and seeing the world as a waste of money.
14. Appreciate the beauty of nature by capturing it in photographs.
15. Always try and make everybody happy; at the cost of my own happiness.
16. Be polite.
17. Do not raise your voice while arguing and trying to make a point.
18. Do not raise your voice unless absolutely necessary.
19. Smoke Marijuana; but good quality.
20. Do not consume alcohol.
21. Never look down upon anybody.
1. Maths.
2. The essence of saving money.
3. Why Sourav Ganguly makes a mighty good cricketer.
4. Bank work.
Things that I have learned from the above list -:
1. How to calculate whether I will pass the maths exam before submitting my paper.
2. Nothing.
3. He made and nurtured a team that won the World Cup (one day) after many long years, for the second time.
4. Not much, I am still trying to learn.
Things that I have learned from my Father.
1. Stay calm and composed and brave it out.
2. Work hard.
3. Maintain a low profile in a room full of people.
4. Be strong and sturdy.
5. Be witty.
6. Crack jokes at my own expense and still be funny.
7. Respect people for what they are and who they are.
8. Beware of the "so-called" kleptomaniacs.
9. Read books in order to obtain entertainment.
10. Never be shy when it comes to being proud.
11. Love everything around.
12. Click photographs if something looks beautiful.
13. Never consider travelling and seeing the world as a waste of money.
14. Appreciate the beauty of nature by capturing it in photographs.
15. Always try and make everybody happy; at the cost of my own happiness.
16. Be polite.
17. Do not raise your voice while arguing and trying to make a point.
18. Do not raise your voice unless absolutely necessary.
19. Smoke Marijuana; but good quality.
20. Do not consume alcohol.
21. Never look down upon anybody.