Friday, April 18, 2014

Things that my Father

has made an effort to teach me; meaning, has gone out of his way to teach me.
1. Maths.
2. The essence of saving money.
3. Why Sourav Ganguly makes a mighty good cricketer.
4. Bank work.

Things that I have learned from the above list -:
1. How to calculate whether I will pass the maths exam before submitting my paper.
2. Nothing.
3. He made and nurtured a team that won the World Cup (one day) after many long years, for the second time.
4. Not much, I am still trying to learn.

Things that I have learned from my Father.
1. Stay calm and composed and brave it out.
2. Work hard.
3. Maintain a low profile in a room full of people.
4. Be strong and sturdy.
5. Be witty.
6. Crack jokes at my own expense and still be funny.
7. Respect people for what they are and who they are.
8. Beware of the "so-called" kleptomaniacs.
9. Read books in order to obtain entertainment.
10. Never be shy when it comes to being proud.
11. Love everything around.
12. Click photographs if something looks beautiful.
13. Never consider travelling and seeing the world as a waste of money.
14. Appreciate the beauty of nature by capturing it in photographs.
15. Always try and make everybody happy; at the cost of my own happiness.
16. Be polite.
17. Do not raise your voice while arguing and trying to make a point.
18. Do not raise your voice unless absolutely necessary.
19. Smoke Marijuana; but good quality.
20. Do not consume alcohol.
21. Never look down upon anybody.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Things I loooooooove

are the things that I loooove. I love funny people. This post is about awl the funny people who I have been lucky enough to be acquainted with.
Lets start from the beginning. 
I had a friend in school. The earliest memory I have of this friend was in first grade, when I while being regaled with his funny-ness was showing my thighs to him by lifting up my tunic. He was funny in first grade, more funny in seventh grade while making fun of teachers. He was my partner from sixth grade to the second term of eighth grade; when quite abruptly, his section was changed; which left me friend-less and quite frankly lost in a class full of people. I had to make new friends. This incident brought about a HUGE personality make over in me. I realized, I could be funny and people (namely, the popular girls) would accept me in their group. Thus, I discovered the funny bone within myself. I also discovered the blatant truth about being funny, which is "MAKE FUN OF YOURSELF INSTEAD OF OTHER PEOPLE AROUND YOU, THAT WAY, ITS MORE FUN, AND ITS MORE FUNNY BECAUSE NOBODY GETS HURT; AND YOU GET TO BE.....WELL....FUNNY!!!!"

During the second term of eighth grade; I found, rather, I noticed two more funny people in the class. I immediately went about making all sorts of efforts to be friends with these two people. One out of these two people was a guy who was brilliant in his studies; and very very funny. I always, sort of nurtured a secret crush on him, but obviously I kept it to myself and did not tell ANYBODY because I noticed this guy had a sort of crush on my all time best friend.

The other guy was also, incidentally, brilliant in his studies and also very funny; but he sort of was obsessed with this wierd-ass LETS BOYCOTT ALL THE GIRLS IN THE CLASS revolution that he stirred up and had sort of all the effing boys in the class backing him up in this "revolution".

This had me confused and HOW. I obviously, had no doubts about the fact that I am, obviously, a girl. But I also found myself enjoying this so called revolution because it was...well...funny...and it made me laugh out loud. During this time in eighth grade, another incident occurred. 

Our classroom had a window which faced the parking lot of an apartment complex. Some random men had been spotted ogling at the girls in our class who were ...well...visible to those men in the parking lot. Therefore the authorities had come up with a mastermind gameplan to handle this issue. They covered up the window with stale newspapers and made a rule about all the girls in the class sitting on one side and all the boys on the other side, namely the side on which the window was placed. Now this new rule broke a previous rule practiced by the authorities which was, to not make more than two girls sit next to each other because girls sitting next to each would mean a lot of talking and "discipline" which was THE word in our school, would be at stake. 

I remember, during this time, I was so placed that I got to be (somehow owing to geographical and strategic positioning of students ) the only girl sitting among a whole lot of boys. I thank God, that happened; because it taught me a major lesson in life. Boys are a lot more fun than girls, because, as opposed to constantly talking about boys and bitching about girls; boys just about make fun of EVERYTHING and keep it very, very, very, VERY simple. They make fun of girls while secretly ogling at them. They make friends with girls while secretly judging them by their looks; also going by their judgement, they prefer ogling at girls according to their own secret judgement. They make friends with pretty girls in order to have access to her prettier friends. yada yada yada.

Now WHY I am blogging about this when I have like so many problems in life including lost money, lost habits, lost passionate love making sessions, lost healthy and hale and hearty father, lost friends (over secret crush and losing virginity to secret crush), lost gifts, lost study notes, lost freelance work projects, lost time, lost soul-time, lost money over bad bad habits, lost relationships, lost boy-friends, lost sanity etc, is because I am a forever lost soul. I just have to look at a pretty window and sort of lose all problems/responsibilities in life. Sigh.

Why? Why? Why?

I have always been taken advantage of.

I am dumb. I am too soft-soul of a fool. bloody fool.

Sunday, April 13, 2014


which will not be this post because i am not looking good enough for a video right now, although tis' something i want to experiment with very very very much, after watching "a nightmare on elm street".

I cannot do anything about getting influenced by movies. i love watching movies. especially horror/psycho-thriller, comedy, rom-coms.

What exactly does the "com" imply in Rom-com???? why do we keep referring to this genre as "rom-com"??? oh, because we are conformists.

What kind of film will I want to make/write a full blown script for??? A comedy. Is it going to be even remotely FUNNY?

we will see.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

A new chapter begins

on an old un-updated blog. old blogs can do wonders, when they have to. I sort of reinforce my own faith in myself by going over and over these dusty pretty blogs.