Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Enough is enough.

I have to bloody stop filling up my blog with posts about weed. Its high time I snap out of my obsession. Its high time I get obsessed about something else; like coffee.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

So I read this heat wrenching post about the death of blogging. It really seems like i write posts on my blogs just so that I myself can read them later.... and it is just too sad. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

At 24

I don't earn enough money. I don't earn enough for me to be able to save for a wedding that is slated to take place when I am 26 or so. Moreover I happen to stay in a city which is apparently costlier than New York. If I become like the executive producer for some show, I might be earning truckloads of money and better respect from crew members than what I earn right now, as an Assistant Director. ADs have this chhaap.  You know what I mean? Assistant Directors are so very stereo typically identifiable on a shooting set,
Glasses, check.
Clipboard. Check.
Bunch of papers going haywire. Check.
Walkie Talkie (sometimes. I've never had the good fortune of handling one)
So what I am trying to say is that I've becom so typically AD chhap, that its going to be very difficult for me to steer myself away from the image, even if I want. On the other hand, I quite enjoy being an AD. I  cannot imagine myself as the executive producer of some show.
Which should sort of sum up this post.
I will be forever poor. And I will keep cribbing about it.