Friday, October 7, 2011

so i quit my job. going with the flow of this sudden liberation, i am going to not use capital letters for the beginning of new sentences. to hell with formatting documents, transscripts and research about so called desirable film stars who otherwise snort cocaine but on chat shows they like using sentences like "its not about the glamour or the money"..yeah right. so what is it about? flesh? power? or worse still...fame?

anyhoo. when i was a typical small town kid, i, like other typical small town kids used to imagine how wonderful it is to be a movie star. my imagination has been duely disappointed. its full of muck, this industry. I just want to keep on dreaming about that one day, when i get to make my own film. something pointless and random, but entertaining. long way to go before that. yes. i know. i am ready to work hard and master the art of not letting my blood boil at the meaninglessness of it all.

anyway they paid me decent and i have some money to splurge. so i am going to do something useful and constructive this time. i am gonna get my hair styled.